Kamis, 07 April 2011

The Differences of Statistical with Statistics

Perhaps we often hear about statistical and statistics, but without us knowing these two terms have different meanings. Want to better understand the differences of Statistical with Statistics? Let us discuss and learn together about this theme.

Statistical is a method of learning about how to collect the data, organizing that data, then analyze it that’s can be drawn a conclusion that can be obtained a decision what the best of the interpretation results data. According to the function, Statistics is divided 2 names, that is Descriptive Statistical and Statistical inference.

Descriptive statistical is a method that only nature describe and analyze a group of data without any drawing conclusions from a larger group of data. The activity recording and summarizing the observations of an event, about a characteristic, or place and so on (quantitative) are things that are usually done on Descriptive Statistics (able to calculate the average and so forth or by using tables and graphs).

While Statistical inference is the method associated with imaging techniques and analysis of a data group to eventually be drawn any conclusions from the data group. Usually on Statistical inference using a formula and a hypothesis in analyzing existing data to get a conclusion.

From the understanding of Statistical and the division based on the above functions can be deduced that Statistical is a method that is always associated with the data.
While the statistics is a measure that is calculated from a collection of existing data and be representative of the data so as to provide an overview of the data.
More easily Statistics are any value that describes the characteristics of the sample.
So, the more easy understanding of Statistical is a science, and statistics is a measure of size used of these sciences. That difference in Statistical with Statistics.
Hopefully useful for us and do not forget to follow the sequel.

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