Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics - In the previous article, has described the differences of statistical with statistics. In that article, there is a quick explanation of the statistical method of grouping, where the grouping divided into two major groups. Then, at this least article, I just want to review and add some information of Descriptive Statistics. This is the following review more details, and if you want to know the meaning of the Science Genesis, you can see in the previous article.

Descriptive Statistics is one of two methods of grouping data. These methods make the collection and presentation of a group of data. Thus, the information provided is only about the existing data without drawing any conclusions about the parent group of the greater data. The presentation of this method can be looked in the preparation of tables, charts, graphs and other quantities that are still included in the category of this Statistics method.

Descriptive Statistics methods usually used more often because it is easier to understand from the presentation of the data displayed. In other words, this method are used to describe the basic features of the data that only provide simple summaries about the sample and the steps that must be made to existing data. This method often used to analyze the data in the form or nature of qualitative data such as gender, perception data, and so forth. More simply, this method is use on the data in the form of words that contain meaning.

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