Selasa, 12 April 2011

Presentation Graphics

The information contained in a frequency distribution in table form usually be more easily captured if the presentation graphics is correct. In some people, visual images are easier to understand the essential feature of which is in a range FREQUENCY. Graphic presentation that is usually used is a block diagram. But, usually we will be more interested in presenting the histogram graph.

The difference histogram with a block diagram lies in the wide beam is used as a boundary class, not the limit so that the class limit eliminates the space between the beams beams so as to provide a solid form. For certain issues would be better if the declared frequency upright axis relative or commonly called the Histogram Graph Percentage where exactly the same shape frequency histograms, only the establishment of different scales.

When we look to the histogram, our eyes tend to compare Rectangles area, not in height. The second way is useful for presenting numerical data in graphical form is a Frequency Polygon. This graph formed by making the plot the frequency of class against class mid-point and then connecting the points with straight-line sequence.

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