Rabu, 13 April 2011

Percentile, Deciles and Quartile

In addition to the size of the location of Includes Wake Contains convergence, there are some other sites that show the size and location partly explains the data relative to the overall data. An interesting and important is Fraktil percentile, deciles and quartile. Fraktil or quantile itself is the value of the values to which there are a number of fractions or certain percentage of all observations.

Percentiles are values that divide a cluster observations into 100 equal parts. Value is the value denoted by P1, P2,...,P99, is that 1% of all data lies below P1, 2% lies below P2, ..., and 99% are located below P99.

Decile is the value that divides the value of a cluster the data into 10 equal parts. Value is the value denoted by D1, D2,..., D99. Where the data falls 10% below D1 and so on.
While quartile itself is a cluster of values which divide observations into 4 equal parts.

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